Complimentary Sessions

At O2 Fitness, your membership comes with two free sessions with one of our amazing PRSNL Coaches.

Get Started

How Does It Work?

We prefer to start all clients in a Program Design Session. This is our strategy session where we game plan for the best path forward. Following the Program Design Session we take the information gathered and put it into action, providing a personalized complimentary workout session. If you feel good about your general program and routine, you can always skip the Program Design and come in to experience an elevated workout!

Learn More
PDS or monthly reassessment

Program Design

Meet with a high level fitness professional to discuss your goals, overcome obstacles and design a strategic fitness and wellness program tailored to your lifestyle and needs. This is a great introduction to your fitness journey at O2 Fitness.

LittleMan-Lifting (1)


Get a full workout in 60 minutes that utilizes innovative training with strength-based movement.

 + HIIT  + Strength  + Athletic  + Circuit Training  + Cardio  + Core  + Functional Training  + Equipment Orientation

Book Your Complimentary Sessions Today!

Frequently Asked Questions

During your Program Design Session, our trainers want you to maximize your fitness by getting to know you. Your PRSNL Coach will assess where you are physically and mentally on your fitness journey. They will spend time discussing the following:

  • discovering the your "fitness why"
  • your specific goals, personal training expectations and fitness knowledge
  • any past or present conditions or pain points that could interfere with you reaching your fitness goals
  • pinpoint all of your workout and nutrition habits to help your coach better understand your needs and how they can help.

Yes! Complimentary Sessions are available for everyone including non members.

No! Purchasing more sessions is available for anyone who feels it would be beneficial.

You do not HAVE to. However we highly recommend it to introduce you to our team, their services, and so we can get to know you and your needs.

Absolutely! Take a moment to meet our coaches and see who is the best fit for you.

Yes! If this is something you would like to do, please let our Personal Training Advisors know when you are scheduling your sessions. Have the names of your friends/family ready.