Personal Trainers

Looking for a Personal Trainer?

O2 Fitness has you covered! We have experienced, professional and highly knowledgeable Personal Trainers throughout our North Carolina and South Carolina fitness centers. Our Personal Trainers customize a fitness plan based on your style & readiness level. You'll receive personal training solutions, safe instruction, and be held accountable to results.

Each new membership comes with 2 free personal training sessions, so be sure to take advantage of yours!

Meet the Trainers

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Caleb Bissette Headshot
Caleb Bissette
Lia Jensen Headshot
Lia Jensen
RJ Reyes Headshot
RJ Reyes
Michael Zaronas Headshot
Michael Zaronas

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Angelina Padilla Headshot
Angelina Padilla
Keonikia McBride Headshot
Keonikia McBride
Betsy Kaplan Headshot
Betsy Kaplan
Asia Williamson Headshot
Asia Williamson