Personal Trainers

Looking for a Personal Trainer?

O2 Fitness has you covered! We have experienced, professional and highly knowledgeable Personal Trainers throughout our North Carolina and South Carolina fitness centers. Our Personal Trainers customize a fitness plan based on your style & readiness level. You'll receive personal training solutions, safe instruction, and be held accountable to results.

Each new membership comes with 2 free personal training sessions, so be sure to take advantage of yours!

Meet the Trainers

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Malik Alston Headshot
Malik Alston
Joshua Alston Headshot
Joshua Alston
Zach Banks Headshot
Zach Banks
April Barber Headshot
April Barber
Amanda Barber Headshot
Amanda Barber
Justin Berger Headshot
Justin Berger
Geneva Berry Headshot
Geneva Berry
Rowland Brand Headshot
Rowland Brand
Justin Brooks Headshot
Justin Brooks
Grayson Brown Headshot
Grayson Brown
Lorrie Bryant Headshot
Lorrie Bryant
Leanne Bryant Headshot
Leanne Bryant
Nick Bucknavage Headshot
Nick Bucknavage
Julian Burke Headshot
Julian Burke
Sylvia Caceres Headshot
Sylvia Caceres
Jessica Carter Headshot
Jessica Carter
Jeff Cates Headshot
Jeff Cates
Denis Cindric Jr. Headshot
Denis Cindric Jr.
Jordan Collins Headshot
Jordan Collins
Dylan Crawford Headshot
Dylan Crawford
Shep Davis Headshot
Shep Davis
Abi Dhillon Headshot
Abi Dhillon
Daniela Diaz Headshot
Daniela Diaz
Maddie  Dintino  Headshot
Maddie Dintino
Christian  Dougherty Headshot
Christian Dougherty
Lauren Edgerton Headshot
Lauren Edgerton
Jeremy Eng Headshot
Jeremy Eng
Katie Filidoro Headshot
Katie Filidoro
Kristi Foster Headshot
Kristi Foster
Kendall France Headshot
Kendall France
Josh Friend Headshot
Josh Friend
Griffen Glover Headshot
Griffen Glover
Amanda Gough Headshot
Amanda Gough
Peyton Haack Headshot
Peyton Haack
Mar'kevian Harrelson Headshot
Mar'kevian Harrelson
Ockwan Hart Headshot
Ockwan Hart
Alyssa Heinzelman Headshot
Alyssa Heinzelman
Marcus  Hicks Headshot
Marcus Hicks
Brian Holloway Headshot
Brian Holloway
Lindsay  Hooks Headshot
Lindsay Hooks
Ben Huber Headshot
Ben Huber
Jordan Huffman Headshot
Jordan Huffman
Matthew Hunt Headshot
Matthew Hunt
Derrick Hutchinson Headshot
Derrick Hutchinson
Scott  Ivey Headshot
Scott Ivey
Lucas Jarvis Headshot
Lucas Jarvis
Lia Jensen Headshot
Lia Jensen
Dani Jesch  Headshot
Dani Jesch
Cheyenne Johns Headshot
Cheyenne Johns
Adam Jones Headshot
Adam Jones
Darius Jones Headshot
Darius Jones
Julia Kennedy  Headshot
Julia Kennedy
Faith Kidd Headshot
Faith Kidd
Heather Kiesewetter Headshot
Heather Kiesewetter
Caitlin King Headshot
Caitlin King
Carly Knecht Headshot
Carly Knecht
John Koch Headshot
John Koch
Joey Kurtyka Headshot
Joey Kurtyka
Christian Lindsay Headshot
Christian Lindsay
Zach Manolakes Headshot
Zach Manolakes
Sophie Martineau Headshot
Sophie Martineau
Katie Massey Headshot
Katie Massey
Shelby Matheson Headshot
Shelby Matheson
Dorrel McClain Headshot
Dorrel McClain
Nick McElveen Headshot
Nick McElveen
Daniel Mcgee Headshot
Daniel Mcgee
Jack Mcguinn Headshot
Jack Mcguinn
Haliegh McLaurin Headshot
Haliegh McLaurin
Tanisha Mcmillan Headshot
Tanisha Mcmillan
Sydney McSwain Headshot
Sydney McSwain
Jordan Morgan Headshot
Jordan Morgan
Kat Mortensen Headshot
Kat Mortensen
Dalton Murphy Headshot
Dalton Murphy
Muhammad Mustafa Headshot
Muhammad Mustafa
Michael Nassisi  Headshot
Michael Nassisi
Kalin Noble Headshot
Kalin Noble
Holley  Ostrander Headshot
Holley Ostrander
Chaz Oxendine Headshot
Chaz Oxendine
Erin Partin Headshot
Erin Partin
Ben Payne Headshot
Ben Payne
Virginia Petersen Headshot
Virginia Petersen
Alison Phillips Headshot
Alison Phillips
Megan Poupore Headshot
Megan Poupore
Ty Radford Headshot
Ty Radford
Jasmine Rahman Headshot
Jasmine Rahman
Steven Ramirez Headshot
Steven Ramirez
Giovonni Ravenell Headshot
Giovonni Ravenell
Austin Reames Headshot
Austin Reames
Dakota  Regino Headshot
Dakota Regino
Reese Reinhardt Headshot
Reese Reinhardt
RJ Reyes Headshot
RJ Reyes
Cade Rinne Headshot
Cade Rinne
Jabari Rodriguez-Cummings Headshot
Jabari Rodriguez-Cummings
Isaiah Rowley Headshot
Isaiah Rowley
Bri Roy Headshot
Bri Roy
James Russ Headshot
James Russ
Isabel Schomburger Headshot
Isabel Schomburger
Drew Schultz Headshot
Drew Schultz
Nathan Seawood Headshot
Nathan Seawood
Curtis Selby Headshot
Curtis Selby
Eugene Shimono Headshot
Eugene Shimono
Grayson Silvester Headshot
Grayson Silvester
Andrew Smith Headshot
Andrew Smith
Andrew Southiphonh Headshot
Andrew Southiphonh
James Stewart Headshot
James Stewart
Crystal Stroud Headshot
Crystal Stroud
Jarod Trader Headshot
Jarod Trader
Shane Valentine Headshot
Shane Valentine
Emily Valle Headshot
Emily Valle
Steve Weiner Headshot
Steve Weiner
Erik Welch Headshot
Erik Welch
Tion  Wheatley  Headshot
Tion Wheatley
Max Wilde Headshot
Max Wilde
Jake Willis Headshot
Jake Willis
Eric Wilson Headshot
Eric Wilson
Deirdre Wimpey Headshot
Deirdre Wimpey
Alan Zapanta Headshot
Alan Zapanta
Michael Zaronas Headshot
Michael Zaronas
Leen Zea  Headshot
Leen Zea
Ashley Zimmerman Headshot
Ashley Zimmerman

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Angelina Padilla Headshot
Angelina Padilla
Keonikia McBride Headshot
Keonikia McBride
Asia Williamson Headshot
Asia Williamson